Translation - Will History Repeat Itself? [Iran's Characterization of the 1975 Helsinki Accords]

Title: Will History Repeat Itself
Date: February 18, 2014 / Bahman 29, 1392
Source: Mashregh News 

In the mid-1980s, the plan for [unclear, related to human-rights institutions] was prepared and approved by America's National Security Council. This document was officially published after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. The title of this document was: “Programs Against the Soviet Union Within the Next 10 Years”

According to the Mashregh blogosphere, Sina Rabiee writes in his latest post at 'Noghteskh':

It has been several months since the agreement between Iran and America (the 5+1 countries, and perhaps the 3+3). Parts of this agreement [resemble] the conquest of ol-Fatooh and other parts [resemble] the treaty of Turkmenchay.

However, it seems that this treaty is more similar to the Gulistan Treaty, and from other perspectives, is similar to the Helsinki Treaty; with regard to the hidden articles of the agreement, its ambiguity, and concessions by Iran, the treaty has a special resemblance to the Gulistan Treaty. In other ways, it has a special resemblance to the Helsinki treaty because America's military options for Iran have been frustrated, and they seek to advance their objectives through social, cultural, and political influence[. They also seek to advance their objectives] through the creation of divisions in the top military leadership, [and by] building up opponents of the government in the international-sphere, such as awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Shirin Abadi, the introduction of Khatami as an international personality and the acceptance of his view of 2001 as the year of 'dialogue between civilizations.

[Gulistan Treaty entry]


[Another agreement was concluded in 1975]. An agreement in the cultural-sphere between Russia and America, [this] agreement caused the American intelligence system to influence senior Russian figures, and [led to the dissolution of the USSR] in 1992. [These] events, which dissolved the Soviet Union in three stages, also sought to break Russia into 15 states.

“The Helsinki Agreement was signed in 1975, of which the third article of this agreement formally confirmed an increase in academic-cultural cooperation between the USSR and America. In these circumstances, American and European security [and intelligence] systems, with careful planning and large expenditures, looked to lure away key Soviet officials, and engaged in all sorts of tricks to hire people.” (Hassan Vaezi. 'Reform and Collapse, Explaining the Restructuring Plan of the Soviet Union in Iran. Tehran'. Soroush. 1379 [2000/2001]. p.23

America and Europe used all [available] methods to achieve their objectives, but the most important and efficient way to influence Soviet authorities was a variety of methods. [Their] influence began with academic (?) and cultural cooperation and ended with security and political activities. Generally, foreign-areas [related] to the collapse of the USSR include:

- Dragging the USSR into an arms-race and expanding its scope, which led to one-dimensional development and neglect of other aspects.
- Planned programs to pull down the Iron Curtain
- Economic blockade of the USSR with the objective of undermining national ability
- Manufacturing successive crisis
- Planned programs to destroy the face of the USSR in public-opinion.
- Extensive support for opposition, and the discrediting of judicial, and security institutions.
- Planned programs to influence leading USSR officials with bribes, financial issues, threats, and documentation.

Alexi Podberezkin, Chief of the Military-Science Academy, member of Russian Parliment, and head of the Cultural Heritage Organizaton, has said about the American plans for the collapse of the Soviet Union:
“In the mid-1980s, plans for[unclear, related to human-rights institutions] was prepared and approved by America's National Security Council. This document was officially released in 1992, after the collapse of the USSR. The title of this document was: Programs Against the Soviet Union Within the Next 10 Years'”
In this document, a three-phased collapse of the USSR, and a one-stage collapse of Russia were considered.

1) Planning for the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact (military-pact consisting of east-bloc countries in opposition to NATO)
2) Planning for the isolation and break-up of the Baltic republics, such as the Ukraine, Moldova, etc
3) Isolation of other central-Asian republics from the USSR
4) Division of Russia into 10-15 different states and regions

The first three phases have been implemented, and America is seeking the implementation of the fourth phase currently.

Podberezkin says:
"In 1989, I studied more than 200 different documents [by] America relating to the collapse of the USSR, I was able to classify America and the West's strategy, in late-1989 and early-1990 I provided documents to Gorbachev and the leaders of the so-called reform movement, but instead of planning to confront the American strategy and attempt to save the country from the crisis I was accused of being anti-reform, and opposed to Perestroika … [unclear]." (Same, p.26-27)

To realize its objectives, America [operationalized] its programs between 1975-1992, however the programs that can be [seen] as the primary-cause of the collapse:

a) Destruction of the security and judicial system, and discrediting them in public-opinion. (army, judiciary, etc)
b) Promoting the point that with the end of the Cold War, all of the political, economic, security, and international problems of the USSR will be resolved.
c) Funding the creation of political organizations with Western ideas to promote their primary objectives.
d) Removal of sympathetic forces from the political and social scene of the country
e) The application of influencing forces and the use of publications, parties, and affiliates to prevent government leadership from resolving their failures. (in this context, this means supporting people like Gorbachev, and appoint him as 'person of the year')
f) [The use of] external pressures, regional crisis, and institutions like the IMF and WB to weaken financial strength and national ability with the objective of creating national economic crisis and public dissatisfaction.
g) Provoking Soviet Republics to secede and declare independence.

 [Geneva entry and conclusion]


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