Translation - Selected Writings on Modern War Theory

Title: The NEZAJA is Transformed and Becoming More Powerful
Date: February 28, 2011 / Azar 12, 1389
Source: Mehr News Agency Zahedan – MNA: Commander of NEZAJA said: the Army is becoming more powerful and is changing day by day.

To Mehr News Agency in Zahedan, in the ceremony for the opening of phase two of the “Sarlashkar Shahid Yaqoob Ahmad Bigi” garrison for the 88th armored division (Sistan and Baluchistan), Amir Reza Pourdastan said : The layout and organization of NEZAJA before the revolution was designed and implemented by NATO ...

He said: This layout was designed to counter WARPAC forces, and in case of attack by these forces, Iran's army could hold for at least two hours before NATO forces entered the war in Chahbahar.

The NEZAJA commander stated: Designed by NATO, the largest garrisons were established in Tehran and Isfahan, with support in Shiraz, so they could confront the WARPAC.

He added: The new NEZAJA development plan was put on the agenda by Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff  several years ago, which is based on the transformation of NEZAJA, and being able to stand against the enemy.

Pourdastan said this plan was approved by the JCS.

He added: In this plan, flexible and rapid-movement brigades are formed in order to easily deploy anywhere.

He stated: considering that in the imposed war 90% of our forces were [deployed] in the west of the country, due to current asymmetric threats ..., the design of ground forces was carried out in such a way that combat units are deployed to all of the country.

The NEZAJA commander said: Because of the sensitivity in the country's east, independent NEZAJA brigades and two heavy artillery [brigades/groups] are stationed there. ...

Title: Human Forces an Important Element in Future Wars
Date: July 8, 2012 / Tir 8, 1391
Source: Mashregh News 

Intro: Commander of the NEZAJA said: Future wars are human-centric wars, in which human-forces [have] the first word. (?)

To Mashregh News, Ahmed Reza Pourdastan ... said: In wars such as the first Gulf War, equipment was important, but afterward it became clear that other issues were present at the decisive battle.

He added: To be effective in war, human-forces must be spiritual, and fight for their beliefs and ideas.

Recalling the defeat of Israel in the 22 and 33-day wars, he said: In these wars, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Izzadine al-Qassam brigades of Hamas did not have many weapons, but due to their belief system they could win.

 He added: In the sacred defense also, our warriors fought with belief. 


Title: [NA]
Date: February 20, 2013 / Esfand 2, 1391
Source: Araz News - Link now defunct
Notes: Low-confidence translation.
After September 11, and with the observation of the first and second Gulf Wars, and the Afghanistan war, army commanders [have] a new understanding of the battle-space and [have] adopted new military doctrine. The structure of asymmetric warfare is such that army commanders decided to undertake major structural changes to enhance AW capability. In an asymmetric space, the enemy usually does not attack from one front, so the change in the army's structure [was] towards stand-alone/self-sufficiency capability...

Title: Ground Forces; [agility and mounted movement] (?), an interview with BG Ahmed Reza Pourdastan, NEZAJA Commander 
Date: ~March 2013 / Esfand 1391 – Farvadis 1392
Source: Saff Magainzine, #385, p. 12
Note: Low confidence translation. The following is drawn from my personal notes, rather than a 'clean' translation. As such, it is not a line-by-line translation. The intent is to convey the general message of the information being presented. 
Question: In regard to these new type of threats you said that the NEZAJA has a comprehensive plan, whose central characteristic is agility is one of the characteristics of. However, the ground-forces unveiled a prototype of the Zulfiqar tank and showed that armore [remains] a focus of the ground forces. My question is this: tanks are equipment that have been used in past heavy wars, what role does the tank have in the newest strategy of the ground-force?

Answer: One of the principal components of combat units is mobility, who have tanks and APCs. ... 

When unconventional battle-space became dominant in the global community - and in the new literature introduced after 9/11 - there was this attitude that other tanks had lost their effectiveness and the army should [stop using] armored combat units. We had many meetings and arrived at the conclusion that armored combat units can be very effective in unconventional battle-space.
First we evaluated the capabilities, and the strengths and weaknesses of regional forces. In such an environment, we wanted to know how we could defend, then close with and defeat the enemy.
It is natural that a tank in this environment moves differently than a tank in a classical environment. This tank should be able to take advantage of its capabilities [and] protect itself against precision-guided-missiles, move in a way that cannot be seen (and confronted).

As a result of these meetings, we have ... arrived at the conclusion that to improve agility and dexterity we would reduce our staff density at the surface (front line?)[.] Therefore, in order to [advance], the enemy must endure high costs; other layers improve our defense [by improving our situational awareness, and forming a better view of the battlespace for our counterattack].

We arrived at the conclusion that one of the elements that can help in this area is the tank; however, the tank has found upgrade capability against guided missiles and can keep it hidden from radar and some eyes; besides, it would benefit from good firepower. Therefore your answer is this, tanks are not only for heavy battle, but also help mobility. ...
Question: Amir. One of the most important components in modern and future wars is the issue of command and control. The technologies allow the commander to witness the battle in real time and make decisions quickly and accurately.... Due to the lack of these systems, commanders [in the Iran-Iraq War] were forced to fight from the front line. If in the future we entered into another unwanted war, would our senior commanders appear on the front line?
Answer: In regards to the subject of C4I you mention, the technology that, in recent decades, has entered the armies of the world, is not unique to our army. In the context of the army ground forces, the situation is very good. Today I can communicate with the bases of my subordinates in audio and visual, and we practice this regularly. This relationship is such that we can even see each other, and exchange maps and information. We have the capacities to suit the operation and are improving it. ...
Question: The new strategy among powerful armies of the world is to reduce manpower in favor of technology. They even argue that robot soldiers can be used on the battlefield. Does the army have faith in this strategy, or does the battle still rely on human resources?
Answer: On the subject of future wars, there are two view-points: an equipment-centric, and human-centric approach. Some writers believe that in future wars robots will be dominant. Another group does not, and believes that human beings will be the decisive factor in battle. If the wars of recent decades are reviewed, ... the belief that humans are the determining factor in battle is confirmed. Look at the 22 and 33 day wars with the Zionist regime. ... [Hezbollah] did not have equipment, they did not have F-16 fighters[.] How is it that the [IDF] was stopped against a limited number of Hezbollah battalions? They did not have navy gunships? They did not have Merkava tanks? This shows that human resources are critical. ...


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